I want a pair of Lakers sweatpants. And I want a pair of Lakers shorts. I also want a 49ers hoodie and shorts. I want to fly back to Colorado so I can be with my dad for Christmas. I want to be with all my old friend for Christmas. And last but not least, for Christmas, I want to be a good Christian, honor and worship Jesus, and bring Glory to
I would get up at about 6:30 a.m. and get ready for school. As soon as I would get to school, I would go sit with my best friends, Dylan, Zach, Caden, Holley, and Megan. Once the bell rang, I would walk with Dylan and holley to art. We hated the class and probably goofed off too much. Needless to say, Mr. Wolnick had to move us a couple times. After that class, I had interior design and architecture, taught by Mrs. Wolnick. Of course, I had Dylan and Holley right there with me. Third hour, Holley, Dylan, Megan, Zach, Matt, and I walked to Mrs. Burns math class. I was her star student, though I was rather talkative at times. Following that, we all went to Ms. Arch for history. She was one of the coolest teachers ever until you got her mad. Then she was the meanest. Following that, we trudged to the cafeteria and met up with our friends. On pizza day, we would buy entire boxes of pizza for only $8. Every Thursday, we got a different kind of pizza. Dominoes, Pizza King, or Little Caesar's. Sixth period, we had the worst class of the day. Science. Mr Nick was not a very nice man. I had it with Dylan, Holley, Megan, and Caden. Aftter my daily argument with Mr Nick, we did loads of work. Unlless He kicked me out of class. And he liked to do that. A lot. Everytime I walked in the office, the secretaries would say, "What stupid reason did he send ayou here for this time?" After his awful class, I had forensic science. That was a fun class. Mrs. Gaspar usually let us watch CSI episodes and whatnot. Then, my favorite class, English. I loved my teacher, Ms. Simonich, and I had Zach, Holley, Megan, Dylan, Matt, Caden, Dean, Riley, and Monica. To have all of us together was every teachers nightmare, but she still loved us. I still talk to her. Following dismissal, we would walk to the local library for a few minutes, get a snack and hang out. Then we would walk across the street to the local pond and skip rocks for a few. After, we would walk to the golf course and say hi to our favorite waitress, Nia. Finally, we would walk to my house and play basketball for two hours. After Matt, Dean, Zach, Caden, Dylan, and Holley left, I would finish my homework, watch some TV, eat, and hang out with my uncles. (The order in which I listed my class was very incorrect but my classes changed each semester, so I just listed them in the order in which I
Mount Vernon, Texas........ one of the smallest towns in the country, it seems like. While I enjoy the beauty of the nature and scenery, I miss many of the benefits of living in the city that I have grown accustomed to. Many things like going to the mall, the movies, the pool, the Y, friends' houses, and even Wal-Mart. Mount Vernon is a very small town, with a small school. No recreational facilities either. There are no arcades or fun places to hang out. I do like it here, though. I enjoy being with my family and going out to the woods. I have my own concrete slab/basketball court, so that helps pass the time, too. Mount Vernon needs more places to eat, more stores, and
    School cafeteria food isn't all bad. The hotwings are pretty good, the pizza is okay, and the sandwiches aren't bad. Back in Colorado, we had pizza from a local pizza place every Thursday. It was a different pizza place every week. It alternated between Dominoes, Little Caesar's, and Pizza King. 
    But of course, the ugly of cafeteria food outweighs the bad. The food is always cold, doesn't taste very well, and there isn't enough choice and option.  Things are constantly under-heated resulting in bad flavor. Sometimes the food doesn't look quite right. And that's not even the worst of it.
    There's the good and the bad of cafeteria food, and then there's the ugly.  Sometimes you find hair or bugs in your food. I've seen kids buy milk, only to find out it's frozen or well-past the expiration date. There are times that the food looks like a science experiment. Some of the food is so gross, I am suspicious that they are trying to poison us. I don't believe any of the food has very much nutritional value. 
    While there are some good things about cafeteria food (however few), there are many more bad things about it.