Gun control is an important thing. People shouldn’t be able to go and buy an automatic rifle. What are you going to shoot with an automatic? There isn’t going to be much meat left on it. You shouldn’t be able to get high capacity magazines, especially not the 100-round ones like those that were used by the Aurora movie theater shooter. There is no case for someone to need a 100-round magazine unless they are at war. When the Founding Fathers wrote the second amendment, I don’t think they imagined what guns would be like today. We had just fought for our independence from a government whom wouldn’t let us have guns, and they were nervous of that happening again. But that isn’t the case now. People should have constant background checks, mental exams, and other things like that. While criminals will still find a way to get guns, at least it will be a little tougher. And you wouldn’t have the folks who just randomly decide to grab the gun they already own, and just start killing people because they’re crazy. There needs to be more research put into mental illnesses, especially PTSD.